Trafikverket's contract award decision

Trafikverket may soon have a new procurement system called Kommers.

Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) was the authority in Sweden that published the highest number of procurement notices in 2015, in total 757 *. From June 2016 to February 2017, another important procurement of a new “Procurement system” was executed. Out of the 9 applications, the award decision finally landed on Primona and Kommers eNterprise.

The procurement is currently under review, however regardless of the outcome it is a demonstration of strength by Primona and the system Kommers, to meet the needs, requirements and tests made by Trafikverket.

We keep our fingers crossed!

 * Source: Report by Konkurrensverket (the Swedish Competition Authority): Statistik om offentlig upphandling 2016


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