Easier than ever
With Kommers, Primona help public and private organisations to gain control and to steamline their management of procurements, supplier contracts and purchase orders - from need to invoice. Kommers makes it easier!
With Kommers version 6.9 (June 2016), Primona’s customers and other operators can freely exchange structured criteria documents with each other using export and import in a standard file format. Primona hereby offers an open file-standard for structured criteria texts.
The file, that is in an .xml-format, contains all required information about the structured document including heading, html-formatted text, criteria type, form settings, response options e.t.c. Hereby, complete criteria text libraries, templates, contract specifications, application specifications and contracts can be regenerated just as they appeared at the other customer. During import the receiver can decide to import the complete set or a selection of the original.
Kommers intelligently manage export and import criss-cross between the applications.Since it is in file-format documents can be exchanged cross customer-borders not only in the SaaS-application Kommers eLite but also between customers using an own environment (Kommers eNterprise).
The file can easily be attached in an e-mail or can be made available for download from a website. Primona thereby opens for other operators to utilize the same format for offering complementary services e.g. procurement templates.
With the delivery of Kommers, a template for products and services based on work made by Kammarkollegiet in 2011, is included.
With Kommers, Primona help public and private organisations to gain control and to steamline their management of procurements, supplier contracts and purchase orders - from need to invoice. Kommers makes it easier!