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Primona develops solutions in purchasing and electronic trade since 1998. With Kommers a turn-key solution is offered for procurement, sourcing, contract management and e-commerce. Among the customers who Primona have helped over the years, there are consistently well-known organisations. Kommers helps both private and public organisations to streamline and gain control of their procurements, supplier contracts and purchase orders, from need to invoice.
The leading star in the development of Kommers is to continuously develop solutions that are as intuitive and as easy to use as possible. This goes without saying, as the most common cause of unsuccessful introduction of new IT systems are unhappy users. With Kommers, procurement, contract management and purchasing is easy to manage. For you to gain maximum benefit of Kommers, Primona offers complementary consulting services for integration, system development and project management - directly or through partners.
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Kommers is a system for purchasing, procurement and contract management - from needs to invoice. Delivered as a web service or as an own enviroment. Suppliers has their own system, a supplier portal called Kommers Annons.
Keyturned web services that suit private organisations and public organisations exists or you can choose your completely own enviroment with Kommers eNterprise. Kommers is developed for high flexibility with the opportunity to choose modules after needs.